Thursday, March 12, 2009

Burn Out

Hello again,
I am a D- blogger. I would say F, but I have put a little effort into this, so I can't be a full on failure. I have plenty of things to say, but have been feeling less than inspired to share them. So, maybe a little encouragement or something would help me get rolling!

Well, things are pretty much the same. The weather in this state is madness. We went from 70 degrees 3 days ago to snow to wind to sun and this weekend back in the 50s. I have this crazy urge to go shopping but have been really good about not doing it. I am really looking forward to my spring break and I hope that I have a good time. I guess I am headed to the 6666s for a couple of days to spend time with Luke, which is a far cry from Cancun but if I try REAAALLLY hard maybe I can eat a pineapple or something and trick myself!

So, my summer job is a go and I am really glad because I get to bring a horse with me. What's Kelli without her horse, right? And for those of you wondering, my pony is getting broke and feeling good to ride... but also getting fatter and fatter. Which really defies logic being that she is getting more exercise than ever. And strange how she is just getting fatter in her belly area. And her nipples are swollen. Whatever could that mean?

In all honesty, I am getting really anxious to start my summer. I have been relatively blue the last couple of days and I couldn't figure out why. I asked my mom about it and she told me that I was just anticipating all of the exciting things coming up and I don't really appreciate the in-between all that much. She's a genius. I have spent the last 3 weeks or so alone 85% of the time, and my own thoughts are hardly company enough. I contemplated calling my cousin in Boulder for dinner one night. I work at the restaurant and see a lot of people there, but (I don't know about all the rest of you) for me, sometimes work isn't 100% fun. Roping every weekend has been really great for me too, but every once in a while, it would be nice to have a girl to go check out the spring shoes at Nordstroms. Not much longer I guess!

Well, since I am sitting in class, I guess I had better say adios for now. I want to say thanks from all of those who offer their guidance, support and love for me on my quest to Destination Unknown. Every week I get closer to graduating, but I hope that doesn't mean that I have to grow up any time soon!