Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Hi All -

So I am sure that none of you have any fingernails left, as you have anxiously been sitting in front of your computer screens, gnawing at your nails in anticipation of my next blog. Never fear, cuticles! It has arrived!!

Ha ha so not much new in my world. I contacted the gal who previously owned my pony, and she informed me that there should be no way that Cricket is "with child (foal?)" However, in the slim chance that she is, she is bred to a Connemarra Pony stallion that is rather nice, and I should feel privileged to be the proud mother of one of his colts. Whatever. I think that she is pregnant, and good or bad, we will see come April or May I suppose!

On another note, the Colorado weather has been ridiculously nice and I am wearing a short sleeved shirt in February... weird! I have been putting in a lot of time in the saddle, as well as the running shoes, and even Ike looks like he is in better shape. School is keeping me busy when I don't want to do anything, so I guess that is good. I am so excited for my friend Mallory - she applied to grad school at CSU Fresno and got in - she is going to become a physical therapist and it seems that her dream is coming true! Yay! It is really inspiring.... hmmm... but not enough to make me stop procrastinating my homework and write a blog instead...

Been looking for a horse trailer and have met some rather interesting characters in the process. I think that my best bet is going to be to just go through a dealership, as craigslist can be entertaining, but sometimes frustrating. Why can't everyone be normal? When I respond to some of these listings, it's like I am surprised to actually reach an intelligent human being on the other end of the post. I know you all understand what I am talking about! As if farmers, ranchers, and horseman weren't crazy enough... you get the ones that actually know how to use craigslist and you have yourself a mess. Well, not always. I have learned a lot about what I DONT want and am now just trying to find something that matches what I DO want.

Still planning on coming home in May. Not sure of dates yet, but thank you for all of the employment suggestions. It is such an exciting time in my life - life is good and I can't help but count my blessings for all of the amazing people and situations I come across. Having a good time at Dewey's working... March madness is almost upon us so I hope that everyone is getting their brackets together. Headed to Texas for spring break... to drive back to Monterey... to fly back to Denver. Good thing I like the guy, huh? Thanks for humoring me and reading - and for all you rain hogs in California - SEND IT THIS WAY!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Ebay!

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day... I know I did! But now, back to the reality of school, work, and everyday non-holiday days (although today IS my half birthday...) 23 and 1/2.... eeee

A little update. Not this past weekend, but the one before, I spent hours upon hours loping horses in Castle Rock for a friend of mine who shows cutting horses while I dreamed of being up in Aspen CO at the Ritz Carlton snowboarding. I made a prior commitment to the cutter, although I had an offer to go up to the mountains instead. Oh well! Luke came last Friday and left on Tuesday, and we had a really good time. Of course, the day he flew in was the day it began snowing. But with the running around I do all week it was sort of nice to take a mini mental vacation. Yesterday he flew out at 5 p.m. and now I get to miss him for awhile :(.

So, as many of you are, I am trying to figure out ways to make a little extra money and I cleaned out my closet today to sell some clothes at Plato's closet. I brought maybe 20 articles... they bought ONE shirt from me for $4.20. And it was the one shirt I wasn't sure if I wanted to get rid of or not. THEN they asked me if I wanted to "donate" the stuff that they didn't buy, to which I replied "no thanks." Does this seem crazy to anyone else? I would much rather bring it to ARC or Goodwill, recieve a tax write-off and donate my clothes to a good cause rather than let them have my clothes and re-sell them to other fashionistas. Crazy.

OR better yet, today I listed my first real item on Ebay. Fun, fun. I have sold books and stuff on, but this is my first ebay sale and I am listing a snaffle bit that I never use. It is a horse thing. So we will see how it goes! Kind of a bad time to get gung ho on selling, as no one is buying, but hey, better late than never!

My pony is well, although I am starting to fear she is pregnant. She has lost weight everywhere except her belly, which is rather swollen. She has that motherly look in her eye. By April I ought to know whether it is hay or a new foal. Anyone need a baby pony?

Also, I am thinking about how I am going to spend the summer and I keep going back to California (in my mind). I would really like to get a part time job somewhere and also ride some horses for some people. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

I still feel a little strange creating a blog but I guess that I need to tell myself it is NOT conceited to think that everyone would want to read about MY thoughts and happenings. Is it? Really, it is just a way for me to procrastinate my studying and essay writing further as I don't have a facebook or myspace subscription and can't go shopping for awhile. But the time has come. Back to the books.... more soon!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day Number One

So, I hope that all who are reading know a little bit/lot a bit about me because I just finished typing a lonnngggg posting about my favorite philospoher, Immanual Kant, and my wrists/fingers/brain is a little sore. This is just a hello and welcome to this thing that the rest of the world calls a blog. A friend of mine suggested I start one, as I am constantly trying to keep up with emails, calls, and updates from the West Coast world and beyond. All I can really offer this world are my insights, perspectives on my everyday encounters, and hopes that someone might laugh once in a while or at least learn from my mistakes!

So, a little update for those who don't know. I am still out on the Wildcat, happy as all the horses who have gotten really fat this winter. I am only taking 15 units at UNC this semester, but I have to commute 4 days a week (the mileage is ghastly). However, I am pretty much attending for free after my scholarships and residency went through, and I feel that the tradeoff is immeasurable. So, for work, I still am a waitress at Dewey's Bar and Grill (best prime rib on the planet), which can be a struggle, but I also ride some outside horses here at the ranch, work for Justin Phinney, a cutter, a couple days a week (started some colts for him too), and then I occassionally head up to my friend Russell's, where I ride his horses and work with my pony, Cricket. My two horses, Betty and Steve, I have decided, are not going to be as broke as I want them anytime soon, but they are there when I need them! The best part is that I get to rope a lot, ride a lot, and spend plenty of quality time with... Ike! (my jack russell terrier). I am in a relationship, crazy about this guy named Luke, but occassionally deal with my own drama from people in the past.... maybe another day. I am a Christian who is trying to follow the right path, and sometimes it is a real struggle! I like it here, but miss California and always look forward to going back.

Today, I thought I had cheated the wind. Of course, anyone who has been out to visit me knows that the wind always blows here, even when it isn't, and that I (along with Pat, Larry, and Jordan) have been battling tumbleweeds the entire winter. After the long week I have had, and the long weekend I am going to have (headed to Castle Rock for two days to lope lope lope circles on cutting horses... the joy!) I thought it would be nice to give myself a restful Friday, full of laundry, dusting, and a good run. I was hoping to even ride my own horses. However, as I sat in the house, reflecting on the universal maxim that Kant tries to get us all to follow, I started to hear a dull roar that can only be translated in Weldona CO as wind (or, as Pat lovingly refers to it... W). So, that is the news for now. I can't gurantee that I will write every day, but I will try to check in and I hope that you all enjoy the journey along with me! Oh dear, I am a blogger!!!!!