Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Times... they are a changing

Hey all -

For me, writing is sort of like salt and vinegar potato chips (minus all the calories and greasy hands). The first time I eat those things, my mouth kind of twists up and I wonder how anyone could find enjoyment from them. Pretty soon, the whole bag is gone and I am on my way to King Soopers, with a craving for more. I have been writing and typing about all sorts of things - personal stories, research papers, screenplays, and magazine articles. I started all of this three weeks ago thinking OH MY GOSH this is really going to be terrible! How am I supposed to do this for a profession??

And here I am, free time, with a hot buttered rum (Yum!), writing for... FUN.

So, as many of you know, it has really been a month of change. If any of you lucky so-and-sos in California have watched the news at all, you have seen the COLD weather that we have had out here. Well, cold, then hot, then cold. It's the craziest climate I have ever lived in, but somehow, I have almost grown fond of it.

But for the real news, first and foremost, a huge congratulations to my girl Anna for her recent engagement. I have never been a bridesmaid and I am a very lucky girl to have been asked! Hahaha and oh yeah, Pat's a lucky guy too :)

And, flipping a one-eighty on you, my heart is heavy this evening as my family lost a dear friend who was the best hound dog we could have ever found. Nytro had his final day today - my mom and dad decided that after his lifetime of unconditional love, it was time for us to do something out of love for him, and he was put to sleep. He has been a part of the Osgood house from the time I was eight... Nyt has been through ... 11 dogs in that house (including rentors). 3 different places of living... 4 kids that he helped grow up... horses, bikes, camping trips, and of course, lots of gophers and biscuits. He was never the dog that would chase the ball and bring it back, but he would try because he knew we wanted him to. He wore his little chili pepper hat with no concern as he went out on countless rides with me and my friends... and he was the happiest animal on Earth just to be in the house with the family he loved. He will be missed, but it is hard to be sad when he made such a life out of the 15 years he spent with us.

So, after that, I believe I will call it a night and check in again soon. I can't tell you what will happen tomorrow - I may be caught out in a blizzard or laying out, working on my tan. But I haven't reached the bottom of the bag yet and I am craving some more writing... so check in again soon.