Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Ebay!

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day... I know I did! But now, back to the reality of school, work, and everyday non-holiday days (although today IS my half birthday...) 23 and 1/2.... eeee

A little update. Not this past weekend, but the one before, I spent hours upon hours loping horses in Castle Rock for a friend of mine who shows cutting horses while I dreamed of being up in Aspen CO at the Ritz Carlton snowboarding. I made a prior commitment to the cutter, although I had an offer to go up to the mountains instead. Oh well! Luke came last Friday and left on Tuesday, and we had a really good time. Of course, the day he flew in was the day it began snowing. But with the running around I do all week it was sort of nice to take a mini mental vacation. Yesterday he flew out at 5 p.m. and now I get to miss him for awhile :(.

So, as many of you are, I am trying to figure out ways to make a little extra money and I cleaned out my closet today to sell some clothes at Plato's closet. I brought maybe 20 articles... they bought ONE shirt from me for $4.20. And it was the one shirt I wasn't sure if I wanted to get rid of or not. THEN they asked me if I wanted to "donate" the stuff that they didn't buy, to which I replied "no thanks." Does this seem crazy to anyone else? I would much rather bring it to ARC or Goodwill, recieve a tax write-off and donate my clothes to a good cause rather than let them have my clothes and re-sell them to other fashionistas. Crazy.

OR better yet, today I listed my first real item on Ebay. Fun, fun. I have sold books and stuff on, but this is my first ebay sale and I am listing a snaffle bit that I never use. It is a horse thing. So we will see how it goes! Kind of a bad time to get gung ho on selling, as no one is buying, but hey, better late than never!

My pony is well, although I am starting to fear she is pregnant. She has lost weight everywhere except her belly, which is rather swollen. She has that motherly look in her eye. By April I ought to know whether it is hay or a new foal. Anyone need a baby pony?

Also, I am thinking about how I am going to spend the summer and I keep going back to California (in my mind). I would really like to get a part time job somewhere and also ride some horses for some people. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

I still feel a little strange creating a blog but I guess that I need to tell myself it is NOT conceited to think that everyone would want to read about MY thoughts and happenings. Is it? Really, it is just a way for me to procrastinate my studying and essay writing further as I don't have a facebook or myspace subscription and can't go shopping for awhile. But the time has come. Back to the books.... more soon!

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